Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Jungtae's House!!

This week, I went to one of my friends apartments.  Up until now, I had only seen my own apartment, which is a student apartment, and much different than the apartments that most families live in so it was fun to see what a typical Korean living space is like.  As you can imagine, it is much different than the suburbian life style most of us are accustomed to back in the states.  Because of the extremely high population of Seoul (over 10,000,000) there are very few houses.  Actually, I haven't seen any houses yet.  Instead, there are tons of apartment complexes everywhere I go.  I don't know exactly, but the living cost in Seoul is REALLY high. You can see some pictures of the apartment.  One cool thing about my friends house, is that there are two seperate refrigerators for kimchi (kimchi is a sort of traditional Korean dish, it is like cabbage, and has some sort of seasoning that usually makes it sort of spicy, it is served with everything here).  Also, my friend cooked for me, and there was SO MUCH food. Almost endless.  This is a sort of gesture of politeness, or welcoming here.  When I met his mom, she also tried to give me more food.   I was really surprised to find that my friend owns his own car, and was a little bit afraid to ride with him, as the Seoul city streets are CRAZY!! But, I did anyway.  One thing that REALLY surprised me was that when we went to the parking lot, his car was parked behind another car.  This is really common too, because there are too many cars, and too few parking spots.  So the car that is double parking, is just left in neutral, so the person who is behind him/her can push the car out of the way and drive off. HAHAH, I would never do this!! After this, I saw two cars that were pushed into each other HAHA. Anyway, this isn't so exciting, but at least enjoy the pictures :)
 JUNGTAE!! My good buddy, I met in Winona, picking out new glasses.  eye glass prescriptions can be done on campus!
 Family portrait :) 
 The living area
 The rice cooker!!! A staple in any Korea home!
the fridge 
 Such a nice server ;)
 All the food is SO good in Korea, I can't stop eating.
 We had to push that little white car out of the way to pull out of the parking lot.

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